How can I persuade you?

How can I persuade you?

Great question.

You see…

I never speak (or write) merely to inform.

That can be done with a simple briefing note.

I speak to challenge, inspire, and ultimately persuade.

It has taken many years to hone that skill and I never stop learning.

Now I want to share what I have learned with you.

In this world of false narratives, social media tribalism and politics in descent, it is an important skill to have.

Can I give you the benefit of over 40 years’ experience as a speaker, campaigner, copywriter, and debater in just one hour?

That is what I hope to do during this upcoming event.

Will you learn new tricks and techniques? Heavens, yes.

And there will be some priceless insights and anecdotes in there too.

Please Book early and join me between 7 – 8pm on the evening of 15 September.

I must charge for this – but only £12.

I hope you understand.

Please book below and I hope to see you soon.