The word ‘inspiration’ is much overused but when Mike Stevenson takes to the stage, you know something special is about to happen.

The energy shifts. The mood lifts and eyes and ears are alert.

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This is true inspiration in action. Mike delivers time-after-time. Audiences are palpably energised. They are lifted to new heights of understanding. They see something in themselves yet unrealised and want to put their newfound knowledge and talents into purposeful pursuit.

“You inspired, encouraged, and provoked thought in every person in that room, that’s a powerful skill. Even the press team, the younger guys were so inspired too. You were truly Brilliant.” Olivia McGivern, First Derivative.

Mike’s journey is extraordinary, but it is easy to tell a life-story and hope people take inspiration. That is a tired and much overused approach. Yes, Mike uses elements of his story, but it’s those big discovery moments that stir the emotions. He draws people into a different world using stories, humour and astonishing insights. The skill of getting people to see themselves in those moments, is the hardest to learn as a speaker. What makes Mike so distinctive is his relatability. People feel that greater things are their reach.

Expect no cliches, no jargon and no textbook extracts.

Hear of the latest extraordinary innovations and breakthroughs from around the world. Mike searches these out and follows up daily.

Inspiration is rare, but it does exist in the shape of Mike Stevenson. He truly is an inspirational speaker.

“At an AXA event and Mike Stevenson from Thinktastic has just delivered one of the most inspirational talks I’ve ever heard. Incredible.” Gordon Rutherford, Marketing Director, Axa Insurance (Direct)

Start the conversation now

Mike doesn’t just take a booking and turn up at the venue. He wants to chat to you about what you and your people’s challenges are. He will ask ‘how do you want your audience to feel?’ ‘What is your perfect result? He will ask about your industry sector/s and the wider challenges. This is to ensure he talks directly to your audience, understands, and responds directly to their challenges and hopes.

To enquire about hiring Mike Stevenson for an Inspirational Speakers event simply Contact Us or phone +44 7778781846.