If you are looking for motivational speakers Glasgow, or from Scotland, look no further than Mike Stevenson, one of Europe’s most inspiring, persuasive, and motivating speakers.
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He stands imperious with his high energy, story packed and big impact presentations. A winner of three successive Merrill Lynch sponsored ‘Raising the Attainment of Young People’ awards for his work in schools. Yet, his work with young people is still in its infancy, while with corporate, public sector and Leadership Forums his track record of unerringly positive reviews, speaks of a man born to lead on stage, making him one of the most inspiring Motivational Speakers Glasgow.
He is at once captivating and compelling.
His journey from rough-sleeper to award-winning entrepreneur speaks of multiple reinventions – adapting his mind and skillset to fit the opportunities ahead. How he reimagines the future and implements this is own life resonates with people across the World and truly chimes with today’s priorities.
Mike says: “The future of work is about fun, creativity and passion. Connect people with a powerful vision, let them connect with each other’s talents and strengths and it’s like watching self-raising flour – confidence and productivity are lifted in parallel.
Those businesses and organisations that have taken up his approach are already reaping the rewards.
Mike has more testimonials than there are sheep in Wales and has spoken recently spoken at a series of online Global Thought Leaders events – proof that motivational speakers can offer so much more than momentary inspiration. His stories, anecdotes and humorous quips are visceral and memorable. He speaks to audience emotions first and their logical brain second.
‘Scotland’s best motivational speaker and by a country mile.’ Donald Anderson, Director of Playfair Ltd and former leader of City of Edinburgh Council.
The description ‘he has led a colourful life’ can imply a lifetime of sex, drugs and Rock ‘n’ Roll. In Mike’s case, there is so much more and when he relates snippets of his story, he holds people spellbound. They enter a different mind space and see possibilities for themselves previously unrealised.
Start the conversation now
Mike doesn’t just take a booking and turn up at the venue. He wants to chat to you about what you and your people’s challenges are. He will ask ‘how do you want your audience to feel?’ ‘What is your perfect result? He will ask about your industry sector/s and the wider challenges. This is to ensure he talks directly to your audience, understands, and responds directly to their challenges and hopes.
To enquire about hiring Mike Stevenson for a Motivation Speakers Glasgow event, simply Contact Us or phone +44 7778781846.