A year to transform our world.

Nothing less will do.

Never has it all seemed so perilous, yet so full of opportunity.

We know our purpose.

It is to rejuvenate human spirit and replenish planet.

Every government, every business, every public service, every not-for-profit – be ready to reset.

It is at our lowest points we find out how extraordinary our powers are.

We are here now.

I pulse with excitement. Do you?

Materially I have lost almost everything.

But I have gained in ideas, energy, and determination.

Start again, raise the bar, climb higher than ever before.

Bounce forwards have defined my life.

So, I talk from experience.

By year end, we will be amid a major reinvention.

Great leaders we need.

But you and I, not they, are the leaders.

Great leaders inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more.

Assigned? Maybe. But, more often not.

The best leaders emerge from wreckage, not privilege. They are young, old and fearless.

They understand that unbound human imagination knows not limits – so they lift the barriers.

My place of work is a stage with an audience of the ready, the sceptical, the resistant.

That’s where I make the greatest difference.

Where’s yours?